A hydrogel that adheres firmly to cartilage and meniscus

EPFL researchers have developed a hydrogel – made up of nearly 90% water – that naturally adheres to soft tissue like cartilage and the meniscus. If the hydrogel carries repair cells, it could help damaged tissue to heal.

Titanium dioxide as a nanoscale sensor of mechanical stress

Scientists from EPFL, Germany and France have revealed a new property of the cheap and abundant material anatase titanium dioxide, which promises applications as a medium for room-temperature nanosensors of mechanical stress ...

Measuring the hardness of living tissues without damage

When a fertilized egg is developing into a fetus, cell populations forming tissues are in a fluid state, and thus, the tissue can be easily deformed. Cells also generate mechanical forces during development that contribute ...

Cells in fish's spinal discs repair themselves

Duke researchers have discovered a unique repair mechanism in the developing backbone of zebrafish that could give insight into why spinal discs of longer-lived organisms like humans degenerate with age.

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