Transformer cells: Shaping cellular 'behaviour'

Scientists from Sechenov University, conjointly with their fellow Chinese and American researchers, have examined the latest advances in the use of skeletal muscle progenitor cells, specifying the core challenges inherent ...

Nanogenerator's 2500% stretchability sets new record

By stretching like a rubber band to more than 25 times its original length, a new nanogenerator has set a new stretchability record. The triboelectric nanogenerator's 2500% stretchability represents a significant increase ...

Snowflakes inform scientists how tooth enamel is formed

Physicists and mathematicians use the classical Stefan problem to explain the principles of crystal formation, such as those that create snowflakes . Researchers in the University of Helsinki and Aalto University have now ...

No ink needed for these graphene artworks

When you read about electrifying art, "electrifying" isn't usually a verb. But an artist working with a Rice University lab is in fact making artwork that can deliver a jolt.

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