Turning the volume of gene expression up and down

Gene expression can be turned on and off like a switch, or it can be finely adjusted , as with a volume control knob. Dr Garth Ilsley, research scientist in Prof. Nick Luscombe's unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and ...

Researchers develop algebraic model to monitor cellular change

Researchers at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences have developed a novel algebraic model of DNA "hybridization," a process central to most biotechnology devices that monitor changes in cell's ...

Physicists add amplifier to quantum communication toolbox

Quantum encryption using single photons is a promising technique for boosting the security of communication systems and data networks, but there are challenges in applying the method over large distances due to transmission ...

Gene expression technology set to semi-automation

The Human Genome Project generated the first sequence of the human genome, revealing a kind of blueprint of human biology. Two decades later, the field of gene regulatory networks describes a complex system where thousands ...

A Swiss army knife for genomic data

A good way to find out what a cell is doing—whether it is growing out of control as in cancers, or is under the control of an invading virus, or is simply going about the routine business of a healthy cell—is to look ...

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