Learning molecular models from data

Dr. Heinz Koeppl is part of a new team of scientists at IBM's Zurich research lab focused on systems biology and he is not afraid to claim that one day, soon, advanced biological processes, like cell mitosis, will be represented ...

An equation to describe the competition between genes

In biology, scientists typically conduct experiments first, and then develop mathematical or computer models afterward to show how the collected data fit with theory. In his work, Rob Phillips flips that practice on its head. ...

Predicting the fate of underground carbon

A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a new modeling methodology for determining the capacity and assessing the risks of leakage of potential underground carbon-dioxide reservoirs.

Toward principles of gene regulation in multicellular systems

A team of quantitative biology researchers from Northwestern University have uncovered new insights into the impact of stochasticity in gene expression, offering new evolutionary clues into organismal design principles in ...

Researchers unravel genetic web to help target diseases

(Phys.org) —Like a complex wiring system, the genetic network within a cell is an interconnected web of strands communicating to ensure the proper function of an organism. At Rutgers–Camden, computational biologists are ...

How cellular growth rate reshapes cell-fate-decision landscape

Genes and the regulation relationships among them create complex networks that determine cell differentiation trajectories. However, we still cannot understand and predict the cell-fate-decision process using network topology ...

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