Facebook co-founder killing his own food: Fortune

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly taken to eating only meat from animals he has killed in order to appreciate that a creature died so that he could live.

Lobster boat tracking coming to protect whales, fishery

America's lobster fishing businesses could be subjected to electronic tracking requirements to try to protect vulnerable right whales and get a better idea of the population of the valuable crustaceans.

Sea hares outsmart peckish lobsters with sticky opaline

Sea hares are not the favourite food choice of many marine inhabitants, and it's easy to see why when you find out about the chemical weapons they employ when provoked – namely, two unpalatable secretions, ink and opaline, ...

Ship noise makes crabs get crabby

A study published today in Biology Letters found that ship noise affects crab metabolism, with largest crabs faring worst, and found little evidence that crabs acclimatise to noise over time.

Lobster fertility under the microscope in Scotland

Marine scientists in Scotland have successfully trialled a new method for investigating the fertility of the European lobster, one of the country's most valuable catches.

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