Lobster shell disease creeping northward to Maine

A shell disease that has plagued the southern New England lobster industry by making lobsters unsightly and in some cases unmarketable appears to be creeping northward to the lobster-rich grounds off Maine.

New test identifies lobster hybrids

Scientists have developed a test that can identify hybrids resulting from crossbreeding between European and American lobsters.

Norway lobsters' appetite for jellyfish caught on camera

Norway lobsters' secret love of jellyfish has been caught on camera for the first time, raising questions about whether jellyfish blooms are pests or potential food sources for the commercial fishing industry.

Tiny plants devour reefs in warming, acidic oceans

(Phys.org) —A world-first scientific study has found that, weakened by microscopic borers, the world's coral reefs will erode more rapidly as the oceans warm and acidify.

Research shows that cod love the artificial reef at a wind farm

Artificial reefs have been constructed at Borssele 1 & 2 wind farm off the Netherlands coast of Zeeland to boost underwater wildlife. Research by Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) shows that cod can often be found near the ...

New Research Model Improves Lobster Population Forecasting

(PhysOrg.com) -- Managing the Gulf of Maine’s $300 million lobster industry has been a practice mostly reliant upon the physical size of adult stocks, a system called stock assessment and one that’s made policymaking ...

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