Scientists discover a new phase of high-density, ultra-hot ice

The outer planets of our solar system, Uranus and Neptune, are water-rich gas giants. These planets have extreme pressures 2 million times the Earth's atmosphere. They also have interiors as hot as the surface of the sun. ...

Demystifying the role of plant x- and y-type thioredoxins

The potential for exposure to fluctuating light has necessitated that plants evolve protective mechanisms for when the light intensity exceeds photosynthetic capacity. Under these conditions, reactive oxygen species cause ...

Developing pioneering ways to study catalysts

In a pioneering application of operando spectroscopy, researchers at The University of Manchester at Harwell (UoMaH), in collaboration colleagues at Diamond Light Source, University College London, University of Sheffield, ...

Semiconductor photocatalyst helps to realize borylation reaction

A research group led by Prof. Dai Wen from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has realized borylation reactions involving N-heterocyclic carbene boranes (NHC-BH3) with ...

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