Related topics: cells · organic molecules

New route to the synthesis of P-chiral compounds

Chiral phosphines are one of the most commonly used ligands in assymetric metal catalysis for the synthesis of various useful drugs and pharmaceuticals. Have you ever wondered how to obtain them? Most of the so-called chiral ...

Researchers put a uranium trophy in the cabinet (w/ Video)

(—Researchers at the University of Nottingham have published findings in the leading journal Science that show it is possible to prepare terminal uranium nitride compound which is stable at room temperature and ...

Avoid the fallout: New ligands for nuclear waste treatment

( -- Storage and containment of the "nuclear legacy", the highly radiotoxic residues from spent nuclear reactors is a pressing problem for the nuclear power industry that must be solved if nuclear power is to ...

A new target to inhibit malaria and toxoplasmosis infection

Maryse Lebrun, Research Director at Inserm, and her fellow researchers at the Laboratoire Dynamique des interactions membranaires normales et pathologiques (CNRS, France), have characterised a protein complex that allows ...

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