Related topics: species · bees · wasps

Parasitoid wasps protect lettuce and celery from pests

Scientists have found that a native British parasitoid wasp has been found to be very effective at controlling the shore flies that infest lettuce and celery greenhouses, damaging crops and annoying farmers.

Satellite data reduce invasion of alien species

( -- Every day, thousands of different organisms are carried far from their natural habitat in water used as ship ballast. To reduce the transfer of invasive aquatic species between ecosystems, satellites are ...

Neuroptera: Greater insect diversity in the Cretaceous period

Human activity is currently driving a loss of natural diversity that some experts describe as the sixth major mass extinction event in the history of the Earth. The decline in insects is particularly alarming: Insects are ...

Filming life in the fast lane

New microscope enabled scientists at EMBL Heidelberg to film a fruit fly embryo, in 3D, from when it was about two-and-a-half hours old until it walked away from the microscope as a larva.

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