Related topics: species · bees · wasps

Tropical sea urchins caught between a rock and a hot place

The balmy waters of the Caribbean could turn into a deadly heat trap for countless tiny creatures. Authors of a new study conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama discovered that microscopic ...

Drones for butterfly conservation

High-resolution aerial Photographs provides information that is both up-to-date and tailored for the task at hand—information that could previously only be obtained by observations in the field and only for a limited spatial ...

Wasps, ants, and Ani DiFranco

A University of California, Riverside graduate student has discovered several news species of wasps, including one that she named after musician Ani DiFranco.

Production of mustard oils: On the origin of an enzyme

( -- In the evolutionary arms race, small changes can be sufficient to gain a crucial advantage over the enemy. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology found out recently that the ancestor ...

North Atlantic haddock use magnetic compass to guide them

A new study found that the larvae of haddock, a commercially important type of cod, have a magnetic compass to find their way at sea. The findings showed that haddock larvae orient toward the northwest using Earth's magnetic ...

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