Extreme mangrove corals found on the Great Barrier Reef

The first documented discovery of "extreme corals" in mangrove lagoons around Australia's Great Barrier Reef is yielding important information about how corals deal with environmental stress, scientists say. Thirty four species ...

Thousands demonstrate against cruise ships in Venice

Thousands of people took to the streets in Venice on Saturday calling for a ban on large cruise ships in the city following last week's collision between a massive vessel and a tourist boat.

Preserved leaves reveal 7000 years of rainfall and drought

A study by University of Adelaide researchers and Queensland Government scientists has revealed what south-east Queensland's rainfall was like over the last 7000 years – including several severe droughts worse and longer ...

Image: Lagoon Nebula (visible-light view)

This mayhem is all happening at the heart of the Lagoon Nebula, a vast stellar nursery located 4,000 light-years away and visible in binoculars simply as a smudge of light with a bright core.

Two Hubble views of the same stellar nursery

These NASA Hubble Space Telescope images compare two diverse views of the roiling heart of a vast stellar nursery, known as the Lagoon Nebula. The images, one taken in visible and the other in infrared light, celebrate Hubble's ...

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