A pill for delivering biomedical micromotors

Using tiny micromotors to diagnose and treat disease in the human body could soon be a reality. But keeping these devices intact as they travel through the body remains a hurdle. Now in a study appearing in ACS Nano, scientists ...

An underwater glider for measuring turbulence in Lake Geneva

Huge systems of rotating water masses—called gyres—form in oceans and large lakes. Two EPFL laboratories, working with the University of California, Davis, are using an underwater glider to explore one such gyre in Lake ...

The subtle mechanics of an avalanche as seen in 3-D

Drawing on the fact that the snow in an avalanche can behave like both a solid and a fluid, a young researcher at EPFL and SLF has managed to simulate a snow slab avalanche with unrivaled precision.

Study promotes benefits of 'tickling' rats

Parents often use tickling as a playful way to lighten a child's mood. In Brianna Gaskill's Purdue University lab, scientists do the same thing, only with rats.

ICE Cubes space research service open for business

The first European facility for commercial research on the International Space Station was installed today in Europe's space laboratory Columbus. The International Commercial Experiments service – ICE Cubes for short – ...

Mars Curiosity's labs are back in action

NASA's Curiosity rover is analyzing drilled samples on Mars in one of its onboard labs for the first time in more than a year.

How bacteria behave differently in humans compared to the lab

Most of what we know today about deadly bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa was obtained from studies done in laboratory settings. Research reported May 14 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ...

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