Tying up molecules as easily as laces

Although knots can be a nuisance, they're also very useful when it comes to tying up your laces or when you go sailing. In maths, there are no less than 6 billion different potential knots, but what about knots in chemistry? ...

Molecular nanocarbons with mechanical bonds

Carbon materials with nano-scale periodicity such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, called "nanocarbons," are expected to become light, highly functional next-generation materials. There have been demands for precise synthesis ...

Image: Hubble's galaxies with knots, bursts

In the northern constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair) lies the impressive Coma Cluster— a structure of over a thousand galaxies bound together by gravity. Many of these galaxies are elliptical types, as is ...

Math shows how DNA twists, turns and unzips

If you've ever seen a picture of a DNA molecule, you probably saw it in its famous B-form: two strands coiling around each other in a right-handed fashion to form a double helix. But did you know that DNA can change its shape?

A periodic table of molecular knots

Consider a short piece of rope—could you guess which knots are more likely to form if you crumple and shake it? Synthetic chemists have long been working on a molecular version of this problem, and so far, have succeeded ...

Mapping endangered red knots' remote breeding habitat

The rufa subspecies of Red Knot travels from its breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic to its winter habitat in South America and back each year, an incredible 15,000 kilometers each way. Its numbers have fallen precipitously ...

Supercoil me! The art of knotted DNA maintenance

Even living cells have their own tangled problems to solve. They involve knots that arise accidentally in DNA and that can comprise its functionality. Researchers now suggest that the DNA propensity to be supercoiled, just ...

Molecular knot wins record for 'world's tightest'

Scientists at The University of Manchester are celebrating after becoming record breakers and officially being awarded a Guinness World Record for tying the tightest knot ever produced.

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