A revolution in knot theory

In the 19th century, Lord Kelvin made the inspired guess that elements are knots in the "ether". Hydrogen would be one kind of knot, oxygen a different kind of knot---and so forth throughout the periodic table of elements. ...

Bird flu detected in dead knots washed up on the Wadden Sea

On 17 and 18 December 2021, a few hundred dead knots (Calidris canutus) were discovered on Schiermonnikoog and in Oost-Groningen. At the behest of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Wageningen Bioveterinary ...

Image: Hubble spots dark star-hatching frEGGs

This image shows knots of cold, dense interstellar gas where new stars are forming. These Free-floating Evaporating Gaseous Globules (frEGGs) were first seen in Hubble's famous 1995 image of the Eagle Nebula. Because these ...

Scientists develop topological barcodes for folded molecules

The team of Alireza Mashaghi at the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research has found a way to determine and classify the shape of proteins. Their new theory defines the topology of proteins as a simple and precise barcode ...

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