Big data kinase ohmics takes over drug discovery

In order for tumors to successfully take hold and spread in the body, they typically must meet several developmental milestones. These include things like suppressing apoptosis, cultivating replication and angiogenesis, weaning ...

Finding the Achilles' heel of a killer parasite

Two studies led by UT Southwestern researchers shed light on the biology and potential vulnerabilities of schistosomes—parasitic flatworms that cause the little-known tropical disease schistosomiasis. The findings, published ...

Enzyme prisons: Cell signaling with just one molecule

A team at the Max Dellbruck Center has answered a question that has puzzled scientists for some 40 years. In the journal Cell, the group explains how cells are able to switch on completely different signaling pathways using ...

Researchers take a fresh look at the Michaelis-Menten equation

Researchers from Aarhus University challenge one of the cornerstones of biochemistry, the Michaelis-Menten equation. They show that many enzymes in signaling pathways are independent of substrate concentration, because the ...

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