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China tightens rules on transferring tech know-how

China has issued new guidelines on transferring intellectual property rights from Chinese firms or individuals to foreign investors, as global tensions rise over technology theft.

Apple to respond to US probes into slowdown of old iPhones

Apple is cooperating with U.S. government inquiries into its secret slowdown of older iPhones, further complicating its efforts to move past an issue that irked customers whose devices bogged down.

Why do investors seek out stock swindles?

The chance to get rich quick by investing in a penny stock, even if it is widely suspected that the stock price is being manipulated, is too tempting for some investors to resist.

Study shows investors lose, insiders win when IPOs involve analysts

When equity analysts are more involved in a firm's initial public offering, investors who purchase stock based on these analysts' reports lose more than 3 percent of their investment, according to a new study from the University ...

Bitcoin fever hits US real estate market

Bitcoin fever has hit the US real estate market, especially that of Florida, offering foreign investors a way to dodge currency controls at home and US economic sanctions.

How divesting of fossil fuels could help save the planet

Recently, a number of institutional investors, including Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec in Canada and Norway's sovereign wealth fund, announced their intent to reduce their exposure in investments linked to fossil ...

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