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Peer effects, personal characteristics and asset allocation

Both academic researchers and practitioners know that behavioural biases can drive household financial decisions away from standard finance models, and that people don't always follow the professional advice they receive. ...

Greater market liquidity actually increases risk: study

Contrary to most common theories that greater liquidity is necessarily better for financial markets overall, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers contend in a new paper that liquidity comes at cost: it increases ...

Dutch city to unveil world's first 3D-printed housing complex

The southern Dutch city of Eindhoven plans to unveil the world's first 3-D-printed housing complex next year, which its inventors believe could revolutionise the building industry by speeding up and customising construction.

Tesla's Musk defends comments made during conference call

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is going on the defensive Friday in a series of tweets, saying the people he shut down during a contentious conference call were analysts who believe investors could profit by betting that the company's ...

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