New means of growing intestinal stem cells

The small intestine, like most other body tissues, has a small store of immature adult stem cells that can differentiate into more mature, specialized cell types. Until now, there has been no good way to grow large numbers ...

Human stem cells converted to functional lung cells

For the first time, scientists have succeeded in transforming human stem cells into functional lung and airway cells. The advance, reported by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers, has significant potential ...

The benefits of bacteria for gut health

Scientists from the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, United States have shown that specific gut bacteria are beneficial for maintaining a healthy intestine in the fruit fly Drosophila and mice and also contribute ...

Biologists uncover mechanisms for cholera toxin's deadly effects

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have identified an underlying biochemical mechanism that helps make cholera toxin so deadly, often resulting in life-threating diarrhea that causes people to lose as much ...

Novel polymer helps oral medications reach the bloodstream

All too often, when a person takes a pill full of a potent and effective drug, the drug passes straight through the body, not reaching the organ where it is needed—a waste of money and inconvenient if it is a cold medicine, ...

Passing on the right antibodies: Protecting piglets from diarrhea

The parasite Cystoisospora suis affects suckling pigs causing severe intestinal problems, such as diarrhoea. Scientists at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna (Vetmeduni) have now shown that antibodies against Cystoisospora ...

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