Encapsulated bacteriophages for enhanced oral phage therapy

Encapsulated bacteriophages are more resistant to low stomach pH and live longer in the intestinal tract of broilers. The research, published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, was conducted jointly by the UAB Group ...

MicroRNAs are digested, not absorbed

There has been a lot of controversy in recent years over the issue of whether exogenous microRNA molecules can be absorbed from food and even have a physiological effect. A new study by ETH professor Markus Stoffel using ...

Parasitized bees are self-medicating in the wild, study finds

Bumblebees infected with a common intestinal parasite are drawn to flowers whose nectar and pollen have a medicinal effect, a Dartmouth-led study shows. The findings suggest that plant chemistry could help combat the decline ...

Progress toward the perfect pea

A group at the John Innes Centre has developed peas that will help animals absorb more protein from their diet. The study is published in PLOS ONE today.

A model for ageing

Life is short, especially for the killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri: It lives for only a few months and then its time is up. During that short lifespan it passes through every phase of life from larva to venerable old fish. ...

Intestinal parasites are a common cause of diarrhoea in cats

Diarrhoea in cats can have several causes, with infections from single-cell intestinal parasites being a common explanation. Researchers from the Vetmeduni Vienna, studied nearly 300 cats in order to assess the presence and ...

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