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Titanium micro-spikes skewer resistant superbugs

A new study suggests rough surfaces inspired by the bacteria-killing spikes on insect wings may be more effective at combating drug-resistant superbugs, including fungus, than previously understood.

Ants communicate by mouth-to-mouth fluid exchange

Liquids shared mouth-to-mouth by social insects contain proteins and small molecules that can influence the development and organisation of their colonies, according to new findings published in eLife.

Bees to scientists: 'We're more complicated than you think'

Chemical signaling among social insects, such as bees, ants and wasps, is more complex than previously thought, according to researchers at Penn State and Tel Aviv University, whose results refute the idea that a single group ...

New 'enigma' moth helps crack evolution's code

Aenigmatinea glatzella – which has iridescent gold and purple wings – is a 'living dinosaur' that represents an entirely new family of primitive moths. This is the first time since the 1970s that a new family of primitive ...

Bees use invisible heat patterns to choose flowers

A new study, led by scientists from the University of Bristol, has found that a wide range of flowers produce not just signals that we can see and smell, but also ones that are invisible such as heat.

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