Related topics: google

Star Trek's formula for sustainable urban innovation

On the long-running television series Star Trek, the characters were knowledge workers and did not seem to worry about food, lodging or acceptance. Theirs was an inclusive society, one that collaboratively practised sustainable ...

Realizing a revolution in Earth science

Earth scientists collect vast amounts of information from the myriad instruments they deploy in the field—drones, sensors, satellites—but computers and storage infrastructure are often unable to keep up with the scale ...

Nano-sized diamond will improve materials for maritime transport

An experiment on the introduction of nanoscale diamond into an aluminum melt using ultrasonic treatment at the Brunel University (London, United Kingdom) has been completed. The result will be used to create new materials, ...

Virtually reality: Future factories run by digital twins

A*STAR has built a testbed for digital twins, the virtual counterparts of real manufacturing equipment. These factory innovations could help companies save huge amounts of time and money by predicting and adjusting for their ...

Bioconstruction: Beyond hempcrete

One of the common beliefs about bio-construction is that it is only for rich people. According to Mike Lawrence, Professor at the BRE CICM (Centre for Innovative Construction Materials), University of Bath, UK, this is a ...

New research reveals the enduring benefits of hiring a star

Much has been written about the benefits of collaboration and sharing of ideas and knowledge during the innovation process. Less is known about the intricate skills required to integrate, or synthesise, various raw materials ...

Apple CEO confident of prospects despite naysayers

Shares of Apple nudged higher on Tuesday after Chief Executive Tim Cook touted the company's technology pipeline and characterized worries about the company's future as overwrought.

How to fund roads and ensure electric vehicles pay their share

Since electric vehicles use no gasoline, their drivers pay no gasoline tax. And as more people drive EVs, gas-tax revenue for road repairs is dwindling. So how can California and the rest of the country avoid road-funding ...

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