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An electrochemical biosensor for antibody detection

The quantitative detection of specific antibodies in complex samples such as blood can provide information on many different diseases but usually requires a complicated laboratory procedure. A new method for the rapid, inexpensive, ...

Gaining structural insight into the influenza virus

A team of scientists at University of Oxford have worked with multiple techniques at Diamond Light Source, to solve the structure of the influenza replication machinery and to determine how it interacts with cellular proteins. ...

Thwarting cellular enzyme can fight viral infections

FMI researchers have identified a synthetic protein that dampens the activity of a cellular pathway involved in viral infection. The findings could help to develop drugs that combat viruses such as influenza A and Zika.

Wrangling an octopus-like viral replication machine

Endemic in Western African countries, Lassa virus is transmitted to humans through food or household items that are contaminated with the urine or feces of Mastomys rats. Even though many people who become infected with Lassa ...

How cells defend against influenza A virus

Human cells use a protein named TBC1D5 to route influenza A viruses inside host cells for destruction, preventing the virus from spreading replicated copies of itself to other cells, according to a study published in Nature ...

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