Study uses genetic approach to manipulate microbes in gut

We are what we eat, but who are "we"? New, high-powered genomic analytical techniques have established that as many as 1,000 different single-celled species coexist in relative harmony in every healthy human gut.

Bacteria Wins First Round Against Inflammatory Bowel Disease

( -- A group of British scientists and their Agricultural Research Service (ARS) colleague used a benign bacterium from the human gut to develop a microbe that someday might help treat inflammatory bowel disease ...

Genome sequence for the domestic horse unveiled

The whole genome sequence of the domestic horse has been completed by the genome-sequencing center of The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, in collaboration with an international team of researchers that includes scientists ...

Promising new target emerges for autoimmune diseases

University of Michigan scientists say they have uncovered a fundamentally new mechanism that holds in check aggressive immune cells that can attack the body's own cells. The findings open a new avenue of research for future ...

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