Steroids may persist longer in the environment than expected

Assessing the risk posed to aquatic organisms by the discharge of certain steroids and pharmaceutical products into waterways is often based on a belief that as the compounds degrade, the ecological risks naturally decline.

Sailing drones to capture ecosystem data from Lake Superior

Seafaring drones on Lake Superior will soon allow a team of Cornell University scientists to examine fresh details about the abundance and distribution of forage fish—species, such as zooplankton and shrimp, which provide ...

Integrated hydrogen storage for fuel cell cars

There is a drive to displace fossil fuels in power generation and transport with sustainable alternatives. One approach that has been discussed over the last few decades is a future zero-carbon, hydrogen economy wherein hydrogen ...

Scientists learn to control the oil lens

Groups of observation wells designed to monitor the groundwater regime will not help to track the movement dynamics of an oil lens. This is an important indicator that reflects the degree of environmental safety, because ...

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