Determining refractive index at relativistic speeds

If you studied advanced physics at high school, there's a good chance that you remember Snell's law, which states how a ray of light bends when it crosses a boundary between two media. According to this law, the ratio of ...

Reducing CO₂ emissions by 20% with only a 2% economic loss

A "rapid and far-reaching change" is necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). "However, the transformation of the economy towards climate neutrality ...

Academic freedom declining globally, index finds

Just one in three people live a nation that guarantees the independence of universities and research, according to an annual index warning that academic freedom is declining worldwide, particularly in Russia, China and India.

Study shows how to improve management of municipal solid waste

Some 20,000 metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) are produced every day in metropolitan São Paulo (Brazil), with household trash accounting for 12,000 tons and street cleaning (mainly sweeping, open-air market refuse ...

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