Related topics: immune system · immune cells

Cells on the move

Cells on the move reach forward with lamellipodia and filopodia, cytoplasmic sheets and rods supported by branched networks or tight bundles of actin filaments. Cells without functional lamellipodia are still highly motile ...

Sexual healing? Not likely

( -- A new study shows the production of sperm is more biologically taxing than previously thought, and expending energy on it has significant health implications.

New information on the waste-disposal units of living cells

Important new information on one of the most critical protein machines in living cells has been reported by a team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and ...

Negative marital communications leave literal, figurative wounds

A tendency for one or both spouses to avoid or withdraw from tough conversations could set up married couples for emotional distress, bad feelings about their relationship, chronic inflammation and lowered immune function, ...

Scientists explore lamprey's ability to adapt and survive

The ability to regulate salt and water balance is a significant challenge for animals living in freshwater habitats worldwide. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists studied ...

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