Related topics: immune system · immune cells

Heat stress in dairy cows shown to damage health of calves

As scientists continue to explore the wide-ranging effects of heat stress on the health of dairy cattle, a new study by researchers from the University of Florida, published in the September issue of JDS Communications, adds ...

The immune system in space

Getting sick when you're far from home is a drag. You'd give anything to crawl into your own soft bed and sleep, but you're stuck in a cookie-cutter hotel room feeling like a sick fish out of water. Well, it could be worse.

10 to 1: Bugs win in NASA study

Bugs are winning out, and that's a good thing according to NASA's Human Research Program. As part of NASA's One-Year Mission, researchers are studying how microbes living on astronauts' skin, inside their bodies and on the ...

A heartbeat away? Hybrid 'patch' could replace transplants

Because heart cells cannot multiply and cardiac muscles contain few stem cells, heart tissue is unable to repair itself after a heart attack. Now Tel Aviv University researchers are literally setting a new gold standard in ...

NASA's next 'top model,' the fruit fly

NASA finds the common fruit fly—Drosophila melanogaster—quite an attractive "model," but not in the way you might think. This tiny insect is a biomedical research model that can reveal the basis for health and disease ...

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