Electrocatalysis: Iron and cobalt oxyhydroxides examined

Very soon, we need to become fossil free, not only in the energy sector, but in industry as well. Hydrocarbons or other raw chemicals can be produced in principle using renewable energy and abundant molecules such as water ...

New laser-based instrument designed to boost hydrogen research

Researchers have developed an analytical instrument that uses an ultrafast laser for precise temperature and concentration measurements of hydrogen. Their new approach could help advance the study of greener hydrogen-based ...

A new fuel cell electrolyte

As far back as the 1930s, inventors have commercialized fuel cells as a versatile source of power. Now, researchers from Japan have highlighted the impressive chemistry of an essential component of an upcoming fuel cell technology.

Understanding and controlling the molecule that made the universe

Trihydrogen, or H3+, is acknowledged by scientists as the molecule that made the universe. In recent issues of Nature Communications and the Journal of Chemical Physics, Michigan State University researchers employed high-speed ...

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