What stinks? The role of hydrogen sulfide in the gut

Whoever smelt it dealt it … especially if what's been dealt smells like rotten eggs. The culprit behind that eggy stink is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a colorless, pungent gas produced by both mammalian and bacterial cells ...

Crunch time for Phoebus before testing

Launching things into space is hard. Aside from the engines and software, orbital calculations and the launch pad, the tanks that hold the fuel are a masterful example of engineering in their own right. And ESA will soon ...

Hubble views NGC 4654 in the constellation Virgo

It's easy to get swept up in the swirling starry arms of this intermediate spiral galaxy, NGC 4654, in the constellation Virgo. The galaxy has a bright center and is labeled "intermediate" because it has characteristics of ...

Listening to the radio on the far side of the moon

There are unexplored regions of the universe—and there are also unexplored times. In fact, there's a nearly 400-million-year gap in our universe's history that we've never seen: a time before stars known as the Dark Ages. ...

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