Related topics: hydrogen · catalyst · water molecules · fuel cell

Japan carbon pledge boosts hopes of ammonia backers

Japan's pledge to become carbon-neutral by 2050 is offering hope to industry heavyweights pushing ammonia as the fuel of the future—but critics say the corrosive gas is still far from a clear-cut clean energy.

Integrated hydrogen storage for fuel cell cars

There is a drive to displace fossil fuels in power generation and transport with sustainable alternatives. One approach that has been discussed over the last few decades is a future zero-carbon, hydrogen economy wherein hydrogen ...

Sandwich catalysts offer higher activity and durability

The sandwich is a food concocted by the 18th-centutry nobles to play card games uninterrupted. Meat or vegetables were layered then tucked between bread to be eaten quickly while engaged in the game. This efficient food also ...

Fuel cells for hydrogen vehicles are becoming longer lasting

Roughly 1 billion cars and trucks zoom about the world's roadways. Only a few run on hydrogen. This could change after a breakthrough achieved by researchers at the University of Copenhagen. The breakthrough? A new catalyst ...

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