Related topics: gulf of mexico · oil spills · fossil fuels · methane

A phytoplankton that synthesizes petroleum-equivalent hydrocarbons

Director-General Naomi Harada and colleagues from the Research Institute for Global Change at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, in collaboration with Assistant Professor Yuu Hirose from Toyohashi University ...

Want to reduce cockroach sex? Block an enzyme

It's not the look in her compound eyes or the shape of her carapace that really attracts the male cockroach to his mate. Instead, it's all those 29-carbon hydrocarbons in her cuticle that drive him wild. How the female cockroach ...

A template for fast synthesis of nanographenes

A group of researchers at Nagoya University, Japan, have developed a new method for quickly and efficiently synthesizing nanographenes, a type of nanocarbon with great potential as a next generation material.

Earliest forest fires evidence of ancient tree expansion

The Earth's first forest fires appear to have occurred earlier than previously thought, pointing out a link between widespread wildfires and ancient tree evolution, according to researchers at The University of Alabama.

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