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Artificial skin sweats on command

Following the breakthrough with their first sweating artificial skin two years ago, Danqing Liu's multidisciplinary team hasn't been sitting still. Their goal: an artificial skin that sweats as naturally as possible. They ...

With roommates, it's all about chemistry, molecularly speaking

Within and upon every human being reside countless microorganisms—the microbiota that help shape and direct the lives of their hosts. A similar phenomenon occurs between people, microbes and the homes they share.

Studying diseases with better delivery of gene-editing tools

Stem cells can be used to study the effects of disease on numerous tissue types due to their pluripotency, or ability to produce cells of any type. But using gene-editing tools with them can be challenging, according to Xiaojun ...

Landing therapeutic genes safely in the human genome

Many future gene and cell therapies to treat diseases like cancer, rare genetic and other conditions could be enhanced in their efficacy, persistence, and predictability by so-called "genomic safe harbors (GSHs)." These are ...

Camels' noses inspire a new humidity sensor

Camels have a renowned ability to survive on little water. They are also adept at finding something to drink in the vast desert, using noses that are exquisite moisture detectors. In a new study in ACS Nano, researchers describe ...

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