Hot electrons do the impossible in catalytic chemistry

(—From petroleum refining to food processing, the vast majority of commercial chemical applications involve catalysts to control the rate of chemical reactions. Anything that can increase the efficiency of catalysts ...

Dutch chemists make new chiral palladium metal

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have succeeded in making the first ever piece of chiral palladium metal. The findings, by a research team led by Gadi Rothenberg, professor of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable ...

How fine bubbles lead to more efficient catalysts

Catalysts are of utmost relevance for the production of chemicals and energy storage with hydrogen. Researchers at the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN) and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ...

How gas nanobubbles accelerate solid-liquid-gas reactions

Solid-liquid-gas reactions are common in various natural phenomenon and industrial applications, such as hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell reactions, heterogeneous catalysis and metal corrosion in ambient environments. However, the ...

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