Two mutations are better than one

Two wrongs don't make a right, but in the case of genetic mutations, having two mutations in the same gene could be better than having either one individually. Recent research by biologists at San Diego State University found ...

Software turns smartphones into tools for medical research

Jody Kearns doesn't like to spend time obsessing about her Parkinson's disease. The 56-year-old dietitian from Syracuse, New York, had to give up bicycling because the disorder affected her balance. But she still works, drives ...

Why don't men live as long as women?

Across the entire world, women can expect to live longer than men. But why does this occur, and was this always the case?

Nanomedicine in the fight against thrombotic diseases

Future Science Group (FSG) today announced the publication of a new article in Future Science OA, covering the use of nanocarriers and microbubbles in drug delivery for thrombotic disease.

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