How climate change is affecting where species live

As the climate warms, many species are on the move, raising new challenges for policy-makers around the world. Shifts in the ranges of mosquitoes and disease-bearing ticks and bats are introducing illnesses such as malaria ...

Jekyll and Hyde corals tell different warming story

( —Like the rings of a tree trunk, Strontium-to-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) in coral skeletons have been widely used to determine past ocean temperatures from yearly banded corals. However, scientists have now found ...

Fear of economic blow as births drop around world

Nancy Strumwasser, a high school teacher from Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, always thought she'd have two children. But the layoffs that swept over the U.S. economy around the time her son was born six years ago helped change ...

Living coral cover will slow future reef dissolution

A team led by David Kline, a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, asked what would happen if they lowered the pH on a living coral reef. By using computer-controlled pulses of carbon dioxide (CO2) ...

How physics changes drug resistance evolution

A deeper understanding of how tumor cells respond to treatment is vital to improving the effectiveness of therapies for diseases such as cancer. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) have ...

How bacteria adapt their machinery for optimum growth

The most important components for the functioning of a biological cell are its proteins. As a result, protein production is arguably the most important process for cell growth. The faster the bacterial growth rate, the faster ...

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