Fish and plant research for future food security

The field of aquaponics has recently yielded a new plant-fish combination. For the first time, a salinity-tolerant plant commonly known as glasswort, or sea asparagus, has been grown together with flathead gray mullet (Mugil ...

Microfinance tied to economy, study finds

A nation's economy plays a surprisingly large role in the success or failure of microfinance - the practice of making small loans to farmers or business owners too poor to provide collateral, according to a study led by a ...

New, active viruses found at depths of over 400 meters

Researchers who investigated water-filled cracks in the bedrock at a depth of 448 meters outside Oskarshamn in Sweden have found completely new viruses and vibrant bacterial and viral communities. The findings show that viruses ...

Cell factory runs with fits and starts

Researchers from FOM institute AMOLF have discovered that metabolism, the process that converts molecules in a cell, proceeds irregularly. As metabolism is the motor that drives all biological activity in cells this instability ...

Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone' larger than average, scientists find

NOAA-supported scientists have announced that this year's Gulf of Mexico "dead zone"—an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and marine life—is approximately 6,705 square miles, the 12th largest zone on record ...

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