Related topics: fish · algae · mississippi river · invasive species

Researchers develop fast test for invasive carp

A Case Western Reserve University graduate student turned a research paper into a field test that quickly determines whether an Asian carp invading Lake Erie is sterile or can reproduce.

Early season forecast updates for Lake Erie harmful algal blooms

In response to increased demand for harmful algal bloom information and data, beginning today, NOAA researchers, and their partners at Heidelberg University, will issue new experimental, early season forecasts of the seasonal ...

New water safety tips for parents and youth

With summer just around the corner, millions of swimmers will enjoy Michigan's Great Lakes beaches and cool water, but waves and currents can be deadly.

Listening under the ice

The watery world under winter's ice is a mystery. It's also a world full of sound. Now, as the days lengthen and the ice is retreating, researchers at Michigan Technological University are wrapping up their first winter season ...

Researchers track the toxicity of Lake Erie cyanobacterial blooms

Efforts to reduce the amount of phosphorus and other nutrients washing off farm fields and into Lake Erie shifted into overdrive after high levels of a bacterial toxin shut down the drinking water supply to more than 400,000 ...

Connecting the dots with a golden-winged warbler

Catching a Golden-winged Warbler sounds like a mythical quest. The tiny bird is quite real, though, and a number of researchers track the species. The warblers migrate from the North Woods of the Midwest to Central America ...

Exploring the human side of climate change adaptation

In public policy, communities often measure their ability to respond to the effects of climate change and natural disasters in terms of traditional emergency resources—the number of sandbags available, or access to ambulances ...

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