Sharpest images ever reveal the patchy face of living bacteria

The sharpest images ever of living bacteria have been recorded by UCL researchers, revealing the complex architecture of the protective layer that surrounds many bacteria and makes them harder to be killed by antibiotics.

Natto: A bacteria-fighting, all-natural probiotic

It's sticky. It's stinky. It's good for you. Natto has been a Japanese staple for generations. But why has this dish made of fermented soybeans been gracing the tables in Japan for so long? While the answer may vary depending ...

Scientists explore the action mechanism of a new antibiotic

Scientists from Skoltech and MSU have investigated antibiotic nybomycin that could prove effective against bacteria resistant to other antibiotics. Their research was published in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Dozens of potential new antibiotics discovered with free online app

A new web tool speeds the discovery of drugs to kill Gram-negative bacteria, which are responsible for the overwhelming majority of antibiotic-resistant infections and deaths. The tool also offers insights into discrete chemical ...

A new way to block unwanted genetic transfer

We receive half of our genes from each biological parent, so there's no avoiding inheriting a blend of characteristics from both. Yet, for single-celled organisms like bacteria that reproduce by splitting into two identical ...

Amoeba builds barriers for protection against bacteria

In some respects, animals and amoebae are not that different. For instance, both are at risk of potentially deadly attacks by bacteria and have evolved ways to prevent them. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine report ...

Immunotherapy for deadly bacteria shows early promise

If immunotherapy—the harnessing of the body's immune system—can destroy cancer cells, as has been demonstrated, why not try to trigger the body's immune system to battle deadly bacteria?

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