Protein essential for maintaining beta cell function identified

Researchers at the Pediatric Diabetes Research Center (PDRC) at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown that the pancreatic protein Nkx6.1 – a beta-cell enriched transcription factor – is ...

Researchers map new metabolic pathway involved in cell growth

Deciphering the body's complex molecular pathways that lead to disease when they malfunction is highly challenging. Researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute now have a more complete picture of one particular ...

Study finds surprising benefits about diary cow inflammation

Inflammation. The word typically has a negative connotation. Arthritis … infection … numerous maladies come to mind. But a Kansas State University researcher found that inflammation that occurs naturally in dairy cows ...

At the heart of the circadian clock

( —Cellular processes in most organisms are regulated by an internal clock, and proteins called cryptochromes are at the core of its central oscillator. The three dimensional structures of cryptochromes from mouse ...

Obese dogs at risk of health condition experienced by humans

Veterinary scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that, like humans, obese dogs can experience metabolic syndrome, a condition that describes multiple health issues that occur in the body at the same time.

Cyborg snail produces electricity

( -- First it was grapes, then cockroaches, and now snails have become the latest organism to generate electricity through an implanted biofuel cell. The process works similarly in all three situations: the electricity ...

New bioengineering prof uncovers cancer metabolism insights

( -- Research from a new member of the bioengineering faculty at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering demonstrates that our cells metabolize nutrients in a very different manner than has long been thought. ...

Knocking out key protein in mice boosts insulin sensitivity

By knocking out a key regulatory protein, scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland dramatically boosted insulin sensitivity ...

Apple peel makes mice mighty

For Popeye, spinach was the key to extra muscle. For the mice in a new University of Iowa study, it was apples, or more precisely a waxy substance called ursolic acid that's found in apple peel.

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