Untangling the life sciences

(PhysOrg.com) -- Last month, Dr. Michael Stadler and his Computational Biology group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research became a member laboratory of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. This is ...

Identifying brain regions automatically

Using the example of the fruit fly, a team of biologists led by Prof. Dr. Andrew Straw has identified patterns in the genetic activity of brain cells and taken them as a basis for drawing conclusions about the structure of ...

Catfish study reveals multiplicity of species

Peer into any stream in a South American rainforest and you may well see a small shoal of similar-looking miniature catfish. But don't be fooled into thinking that they are all the same species.

First evidence that the genome can adapt to temperature changes

Researchers at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona are the first to have studied the effects of a heatwave on the genetic make-up of a species. The researchers have been monitoring the evolution of the fly Drosophila subobscura ...

New genetics tool helps answer evolutionary questions

The age of big data is here. Thanks to innovations in genetic sequencing technology, scientists can now generate massive datasets describing the genomes of Earth's diverse set of species. This ever-growing genomic encyclopedia ...

Biological fitness trumps other traits in mating game

When a new species emerges following adaptive changes to its local environment, the process of choosing a mate can help protect the new species' genetic identity and increase the likelihood of its survival. But of the many ...

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