Study sheds light on ancient microbial dark matter

Bacteria are literally everywhere—in oceans, in soils, in extreme environments like hot springs, and even alongside and inside other organisms including humans. They're nearly invisible, yet they play a big role in almost ...

Conservation of Nara Park deer results in unique genetic lineage

The existing wildlife of a region is heavily shaped over generations by environmental factors and human activity. Activities like urbanization and hunting are known to reduce wildlife populations. However, some cultural or ...

Fluorescent protein sheds light on bee brains

An international team of bee researchers involving Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) has integrated a calcium sensor into honey bees to enable the study of neural information processing including response to odors. ...

Scientists unveil the functional landscape of essential genes

A team of scientists at Whitehead Institute and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have systematically evaluated the functions of more than 5,000 essential human genes using a novel, pooled, imaged-based screening method. ...

Exploring molecular boundaries in DNA

It's important to be well organized. And this is especially true for the genome—the entirety of an organism's genetic information, also known as DNA. The genomic DNA is several meters long but has to fit inside the cell's ...

Crystal study may resolve DNA mystery

When cells reproduce, the internal mechanisms that copy DNA get it right nearly every time. Rice University bioscientists have uncovered a tiny detail that helps understand how the process could go wrong.

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