Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

A new CRISPR-driven technology for gene drive in plants

Weeds are a pesky irritant for most home gardeners, but in large agricultural settings, weeds can pose an especially deadly problem. For example, Amaranthus palmeri, known as Palmer's pigweed, has evolved in many areas to ...

Study identifies gene targets to combat cognitive decline

Researchers have identified the possible mechanisms by which long-lived mutants of the model system Caenorhabditis elegans are able to maintain learning and memory later in life while some experience cognitive decline.

3D maps of diseased tissues at subcellular precision

Researchers in the Systems Biology Lab of Professor Nikolaus Rajewsky, at the Max Delbrück Center, have developed a spatial transcriptomics platform, called Open-ST, that enables scientists to reconstruct gene expression ...

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