Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

Genetic signatures of domestication identified in pigs and chickens

Wild boars and red junglefowl gave rise to common pigs and chickens. These animals' genes evolved to express themselves differently, leading to signatures of domestication—such as weaker bones and better viral resistance—in ...

How duplicated genomes helped grasses diversify and thrive

Grasses cover about 40% of the Earth's land surface, thriving in a multitude of environments. The evolutionary success of this plant family, which includes rice, maize, wheat and bamboo, likely results from a history of whole-genome ...

Drowning tomatoes for science

I can barely hear Esther Ngumbi over the roar of greenhouse fans as she shows me around her rooftop laboratory in Morrill Hall. The benches are full of tomato plants, and the tomatoes don't look good. Half of the plants are ...

CeO₂ nanoparticles: A double-edged sword for aquatic algal life

A new study reveals significant alterations in growth, photosynthetic activity, and gene expression of freshwater algae due to cerium oxide nanoparticles. This research highlights the complex interactions between these microscopic ...

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