Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

Genetic signatures of domestication identified in pigs and chickens

Wild boars and red junglefowl gave rise to common pigs and chickens. These animals' genes evolved to express themselves differently, leading to signatures of domestication—such as weaker bones and better viral resistance—in ...

Chemical signal protects migratory locusts from cannibalism

Huge swarms of migratory locusts take on the proportions of natural disasters and threaten the food supply of millions of people, especially in Africa and Asia. As the eighth of the ten biblical plagues, the Book of Moses ...

Snake venom research has broad implications for bite treatment

Studying how rattlesnakes regulate their venom gives us important insight into how their genes are controlled. It also highlights the challenges in treating snakebites, according to new research in the journal Genome Biology ...

Unexpected phage protein function discovered in bacteria battle

An unexpected find has enabled important progress to be made in the battle against harmful bacteria. An international team of researchers, led by Professor Peter Fineran from the University of Otago, investigated a particular ...

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