Related topics: genome · protein · cells · mutations · gene expression

Genetic signatures of domestication identified in pigs and chickens

Wild boars and red junglefowl gave rise to common pigs and chickens. These animals' genes evolved to express themselves differently, leading to signatures of domestication—such as weaker bones and better viral resistance—in ...

'Silent' mutations found to have repercussions beyond their own gene

Genetic disorders—like cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease—are considered incurable, with gene mutations occurring in essentially every cell of the body. Gene mutations occur when one nucleotide in a codon is switched. ...

New genetic sensor for DNA methylation discovered

DNA methylation is a process in which a methyl group is attached to the cytosine base of the DNA molecule, and is a major way that DNA is epigenetically marked. Epigenetic modifications can act as on–off switches to regulate ...

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