Novel soybean regulator affects seed weight and size

Soybean (Glycine max) is an important economic crop that provides edible oil, vegetative protein, and other nutrients for humans. Soybean originated and was domesticated in China. Identification of novel seed regulators through ...

Honey bees may inherit altruistic behavior from their mothers

True altruism is rare behavior in animals, but a new study by Penn State researchers has found that honey bees display this trait. Additionally, they found that an evolutionary battle of genetics may determine the parent ...

Exploring the existence of life at 50°C

There are an estimated 8.7 million eukaryotic species on the planet. These are organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Although eukaryotes include the familiar animals and plants, these ...

Singling out a bacterium from the crowd

Bacteria are nearly ubiquitous and have tremendous impacts on human and ecological health. And yet, they remain largely mysterious to us. Princeton MOL faculty Zemer Gitai, Britt Adamson and Ned Wingreen launched a joint ...

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