Generosity leads to evolutionary success, biologists show

With new insights into the classical game theory match-up known as the "Prisoner's Dilemma," University of Pennsylvania biologists offer a mathematically based explanation for why cooperation and generosity have evolved in ...

Link between quantum physics and game theory found

( —A deep link between two seemingly unconnected areas of modern science has been discovered by researchers from the Universities of Bristol and Geneva.

A virtual 'Lolita' on the hunt for paedophiles

Children have come to make up a significant proportion of the active users of the Internet, but the presence of paedophiles marks them out as potential victims of abuse. With the aim of preventing such abuse, Spanish researchers ...

Averting worse economic collapses

A new study shows how specific parameters can help us steer clear of tipping points in dynamic systems, such as entire economies.

Plant eaters, and the flora they eat, give peace a chance

( —Plants are often described as being in an evolutionary arms race with the creatures that eat them. Plant eaters develop new strategies for attacking, and plants acquire new ways to defend themselves.

Playing games with the climate

Gábor Kutasi of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, has applied game theory to the problem of climate change to help him analyse the relationships between international players on the world stage, occurrence and ...

How to manage motorway tolls through the Game Theory

A team led by José Manuel Zarzuelo, Professor of Applied Economics, has applied the co-operative Game Theory to calculating motorway toll charges. The results of the study have been published in the specialised journal European ...

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