Successful once, protesters may hesitate to return to streets

As the long-term impact of the Arab Spring continues to take shape, research from political scientists at Princeton University and New York University warns that the protests that swept across the Middle East and North Africa ...

When leaving your wealth to your sister's children makes sense

In most human societies, men pass on their worldly goods to their wife's children. But in about ten percent of societies, men transfer their wealth to their sister's sons, a process called matrilineal inheritance. A new study ...

The reason we lose at games

If you have ever wondered why you never seem to win at skill-based games such as poker or chess, there might be a very good reason. Writing in PNAS, a University of Manchester physicist has discovered that some games are ...

Evolution: Social exclusion leads to cooperation

Social exclusion as a punishment strategy helps explain the evolution of cooperation, according to new research published today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Sing for the win

( -- A new app game developed by a Cambridge student challenges people to sing the right note at the right time in order to smash down a wall and advance to the next level - surreptitiously engaging them with basic ...

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