Reputation and online buzz

Reputation is an asset to cherish, whether corporate, institutional or personal. In the age of social media, however, reputation is more fragile than ever. News of a simple mistake or misjudged action can spread rapidly via ...

Girls got game

Debi Taylor has worked in everything from construction development to IT, and is well and truly socialised into male-dominated workplaces. So when she found herself the only female in her game development classes as a mature ...

Looking for the best strategy? Ask a chimp

If you're trying to outwit the competition, it might be better to have been born a chimpanzee, according to a study by researchers at Caltech, which found that chimps at the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute consistently ...

Net neutrality balancing act

Researchers in Italy, writing in the International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management have demonstrated that net neutrality benefits content creator and consumers without compromising provider innovation nor profits.

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