Related topics: bacteria · microbes · plants · species · fungus

How a fungus sidesteps a plant's defense mechanism

RIKEN scientists have discovered how a parasitic fungus renders harmless a powerful anti-fungal compound produced by some plants. As well as providing a fascinating glimpse into the ongoing arms race between plants and parasites, ...

New names proposed for Cynanchum species endemic to Madagascar

In Madagascar, Cynanchum L. is the most species-rich genus of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). About 80 species are known there and most of them are endemic. Among these species, C. leucanthum (K. Schumm.) K. Schumm. is ...

Intestinal bacteria influence the growth of fungi, shows study

The bacteria present in the intestine provide information about the quantities of fungi of the potentially disease-causing Candida genus. Among them, and surprisingly, are lactic acid bacteria that are known for their protective ...

Study finds copper key to more efficient biomass breakdown

Nonfood, plant-based biofuels have potential as a green alternative to fossil fuels, but the enzymes required for production are too inefficient and costly to produce. However, new research published in Chemical Science is ...

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